
At Mt. Spokane Midwifery, I count it a privilege to offer services to women from all social, ethnic, or financial backgrounds. Every woman appreciates excellent clinical care given with skill, warmth, and a listening ear. The indomitable spirit of women inspires me. We gain so much personally as we strengthen and learn from one another. I look forward to spending a full hour at each visit, allowing for time to develop a trusting relationship as well as address other clinical components of prenatal care. A typical prenatal visit includes assessing maternal vital signs, listening to your baby’s heartbeat with a fetoscope or Doppler, palpating your baby’s position, along with a variety of other assessments to ensure that your pregnancy is progressing normally.


  • Free consultation visit

  • Comprehensive, holistic, relationship-based prenatal care

  • Gestational diabetic screening

  • On site lab work and ultrasound referral

  • Education on genetic screening options and other standard prenatal testing

  • Nutritional and lifestyle guidance for pregnancy

  • Prenatal Schedule:

    monthly visits until 28 weeks

    bimonthly visits until 36 weeks

    weekly visits during the last month of pregnancy

  • Prenatal home visit at 36 weeks

  • Informed consent on all areas of mother and baby care

  • Referrals to providers for higher risk care as indicated

  • Referrals to complementary health providers and community resources

  • Midwife on call throughout your care for emergencies or concerns



Labor and Birth


When a mother chooses a home birth, she is able to create an experience that is unique to her and her family. She will labor in her own comforting environment, surrounded by familiar sounds, smells, simple comforts and those she loves. She can move freely, eat when she wants to, talk when she wants to, and choose her community of support. She can labor as she walks around, labor in water, or labor in her own bed. As she feels safe, respected, and supported in an unhurried environment, she will be free to choose her own best way to give birth. As your baby arrives, we do all we can to create an atmosphere of gentleness and peacefulness. Babies thrive when they are kept skin to skin on their mother’s body, hear the familiar voices of their parents and are touched with tenderness and love. These are irreplaceable moments! We will do all we can to guard and protect this time as your family welcomes its newest member.

Care provided during labor and delivery:

  • Labor assessment

  • Monitoring of maternal and fetal well-being

  • Water labor and water birth, if desired

  • Non-allopathic pain relieving options

  • Emergency drugs for intrapartum and postpartum complications

  • Emergency equipment for newborn resuscitation or maternal complications

  • No unnecessary interventions

  • Freedom to birth in position of choice

  • Delayed cord clamping

  • Immediate breastfeeding





We place a high value on mother and baby safety, which means that occasionally transporting to the hospital may be necessary. During prenatal care we discuss why transport may be necessary and how it occurs. A plan is created so that if the need arises the family feels prepared and informed. We cultivate good relationships with doctors and nurses at local hospitals so that our transports are as smooth and professional as possible and our clients are treated with the utmost kindness and respect.



Post-Partum Care


The initial postpartum care occurs within the first two hours of birth. During that time, mother and baby will be assessed and monitored to ensure they are transitioning well. Postpartum instructions will be given, questions answered, and midwife departure will occur once your home is in a peaceful state.

The following will be included in the immediate postpartum period:

  • Maternal and newborn assessment and monitoring

  • Newborn Exam

  • Breastfeeding assistance

  • Vitamin K and ophthalmic medications for the newborn if desired

  • Appropriate cleanup

An additional benefit of midwifery care is the privilege of staying home for the first few postpartum visits. The first visit will occur within 24-48 hours of birth. The metabolic screening test will be done at this time if the client desires. The next visit will be at 4-7 days, depending upon the family’s need. The two-week and six-week postpartum visit will take place in the home office. Postpartum care extends through six weeks. During this time, we are available to answer questions and give assistance.

Postpartum services provided:

  • Birth certificate

  • Newborn screening (metabolic & cardiac)

  • Maternal and newborn assessment

  • Breastfeeding assistance and support

  • Family planning options discussed if desired